One can get overwhelmed and confused by the tons of information they have to pore over to pick up gardening as a new hobby. However, it doesn’t have to be that way since all you have to know are the essentials of gardening and not the scholarly texts filled with technical jargon that is often characteristic of many gardening books.
To start and maintain a successful garden, you must learn a plan and prepare since well gardening is demanding and you must create time to tend to your garden.
Here are the gardening tips for beginners, according to
Understand your soil type
The soil type in the location you have chosen for your garden determines the types of plants you can plant in your garden since different plants thrive in different soil conditions. Ideally, the soil in your garden should be fertile and well-drained. It should hold onto water for too long as to be waterlogged or leak water to fast as is common with sandy soil.
That’s not to say that you can’t garden if the soil in your region doesn’t have the ideal properties. The trick, in this case, is to plant crops native to your area since they are better acclimatized to the prevailing conditions.
Choice of crops
The choice of crops to plant in your garden is determined by the climate of your region and the type of garden you want. If your goal is to add to the aesthetics of your then you should have flower plants. Similarly, if the goal is to meet your domestic demand for fresh produce then a vegetable garden would be more suitable.
Regardless of your type of garden, you should always take into consideration the planting season for your crops since some require specific weather conditions to be able to grow into maturity.
Start small
Start with one or two plant species in a small space until you get the hang of it then you can expand as you deem fit. A common mistake most beginners make is getting overexcited and starting a big garden that overwhelms them when it comes to maintenance.
Gardening can be time-consuming and you need to make sure you have the knowledge and time to take care of several plant species, each with its own requirements before you go big. Otherwise, stick to a small garden that is easily manageable.
It’s also important to space your plants well. Don’t crowd your plants in a small space in an attempt to increase your produce.
Maintaining your garden
Most plants require plenty of water when young so make sure you water your plants regularly, especially during the dry season. More importantly, water your plants with the correct technique.
Avoid watering the leaves since it can lead to rotting and spread of diseases. Instead, water them at the roots – that’s where water is needed. You may also want to consider using products like vitamax plus to encourage root growth.
Also, mulch your garden. It helps ward off weeds and regulate soil temperatures as well. Uproot weeds by hand as soon as you notice them before they grow bigger and more stubborn requiring the use of garden tools or herbicides. If you have kids, once you are done with using these chemicals and tools, be sure to store them in a safe place. If you don’t have a shed or it is full from everything else, the idea of renting a storage unit would work in your favour. Take some time to look at sites like for a better idea of what this includes. Once you need the tools again, you can go and retrieve them easily fro storage. At least they’ll be safe and keep in good condition for next time.
The last piece of advice I can give you is to enjoy your garden! Spend time taking everything in, appreciating all your hard work! I recommend investing some money into a bench that is not only going to make your garden look complete, but it will provide you a comfortable area to relax. I have come across an online company called The Charming Bench Company, but there are likely to be stores locally to you that sells similar products.