*The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.*
Earth Rescue Sent me a challenge! “What kind of challenge” you ask?
Detox your Home challenge!!
I was sent the following products to Help me with the challenge.
- Laundry Liquid Capsules
- Bathroom Cleaner
- All-Purpose Cleaner
- Toilet bowl Cleaner
- Glass and Window Cleaner
- Floor Cleaner
- Rinse Aid
- Dishwasher tabs
Earth Rescue had some great tips and tricks to help get me organized:
· Use a shoe organizer! Use each shoe pouch to hold a different product to clearly see all of your supplies and keep them all in one place and out of reach from your little ones.
· Clothes pins – Use clothes pins to pin your sponges and cloths to the top of each shoe pouch to keep them from falling inside and creating a mess.
· Label – Use labels to categorize your cleaning products by the rooms you use them in so the whole family knows the cleaning routine.
So I don’t really have a “Cleaning closet” I usually have everything under the counter. Its always messy and I have to get down on my hands and knees looking for a specific cleaning product.
I hung my shoe organizer behind the bathroom door and now I can see everything and I don’t have to hurt myself trying to look for what I need.
Everything is in one spot and I can store my un-used sponges and clothes in it, instead of having them collecting dust under the counter.
I really love this idea! Its up high away from my 2 year old who loves to open the cupboards and mess around, and everything is in sight and no more looking around for what I need!
So with my new organizer and Earth rescue products, Off I went around the house looking for things to clean. When I was done with one product, I put it back and took another.
I am always looking for cleaning products that don’t have that harsh smell but also actually CLEANS my home. With 3 kids and 3 animals, I want to make sure the house is clean but at the same time I don’t like the kids and animals breathing in those harsh smells from normal cleaning products.
I am sure I have found the perfect product! that product is Earth Rescue!!
Earth Rescue products are affordable,Eco-friendly and available exclusively at Walmart.
Here is what my thoughts are of each product I was given.
Floor Cleaner:
Floor Cleaner |
Floors are the biggest problem at my house! I have Hardwood all over and Tiles in the washrooms. I am always concerned at what I use on the hardwood, I always want to make sure its not going to cause it to come up or leave stains as well as that harsh smell that lingers for hours after washing floors.
I was surprised that Earth Rescue’s Floor Cleaner did not have a harsh smell to it. Hurray! No more breathing in harsh chemicals that hurt your lungs!!!
Bathroom Cleaner:
Bathroom Cleaner |
Bathroom, ICK!! I despise having to wash bathrooms. Probably because we have 3 Bathrooms and somehow someone ALWAYS messes them all up. I used the Bathroom cleaner on the counters,sinks, toilet, bath and bath walls. Earth Rescue’s Bathroom cleaner left my bathrooms sparking clean!
All-Purpose Cleaner:
All Purpose Cleaner |
I used the All-purpose cleaner on kitchen counters, walls, and everywhere that I saw little fingerprints.
Laundry Liquid Capsules:
Laundry Liquid Capsules |
We do a lot of clothes washing around here. With 3 active kids, its hard to keep up sometimes. The Earth Rescue Laundry Liquid Capsules left our clothes smelling fresh and clean with no residue left behind.
Toilet Bowl Cleaner:
Toilet Bowl Cleaner |
Have I told you how much I despise washing anything in the bathroom? But I do love Earth Rescue’s toilet bowl cleaner. Easy to use, no spill, and best of all, I don’t have to touch the toilet bowl with my hands!
Glass & Window Cleaner:
Glass & Window Cleaner |
If you have kids and pets, you know how much glass and windows attract wet fingers and wet noses.
My windows are ALWAYS covered in nose prints and finger prints. What is it with kids and animals.. they are always attracted to clean windows.
A few squirts of the Glass & Window cleaner and a good wipe is all it took to have nice, clean and streak free windows again.
Dishwasher Tabs & Rinse Aid:
Dishwasher Tabs |
Rinse Aid |
Earth Rescue Dishwasher tabs and rinse aid are a perfect match! My dishes came out squeaky clean and spot free.
After Trying the entire line of products from Earth Rescue, I can say that I am in love with their products. I can have a clean house again!
Earth Rescue have generously offered to give a kit to one Canadian Mom Reviews reader to detox their homes and get organized.
Giveaway is open to Canada only!
One winner will receive an identical kit that I received.
Mandatory entries will be verified.
Giveaway Ends: 10/15
Good Luck!
The Laundry Liquid Capsules
Would love to try the toilet bowl cleaner. (Judy Cowan)
I am interested in the Glass & Window cleaner!
I'm most interested in trying the dishwasher tabs and rinse aid.<br />angela mitchell
I'd like to try the Glass & Window Cleaner.
The Bathroom Cleaner would be my pick…I'm trying to use safer products and that is a challenge for a stubborn tub etc.<br />via Rhonda W G.
I'm interested in trying the All Purpose Cleaner. If you get a chance, check out my giveaway at http://www.tipsforeveryday.com
I'd love to try the Glass and Window cleaner.
we out of floor cleaner so I am going to have to check this out!
I am interested in trying the laundry liquid capsules.
I would like to try the Laundry Liquid Capsules<br /><br />meikleblog at gmail dot com
I am most interested in trying the Glass and Window Cleaner. I am always looking for a better window cleaner. 🙂
I am interested in the Glass & Window Cleaner<br />thanks
the rinse aid
I'm most interested in trying the Toilet Bowl cleanser
The glass and window cleaner.
To be honest I would love to try them all. I have tried the glass cleaner and like it.
laundry for sure!!!!
the toilet bowl cleaner
The Floor Cleaner – I'm always looking for products that are more natural and pet-friendly, so I don't have to worry about my pets walking on them after (and then grooming themselves!).
Glass/ window cleaner or all purpose cleaner. Its nice to have for everyday cleaning.
I am looking forward to trying the All Purpose Cleaner
I'm looking forward to trying the glass and window cleaner
I'm looking forward to checking out the All Purpose Cleaner
laundry liquid capsules
I'd love to try the Glass & Window Cleaner!
I'm most interested in trying the Laundry Liquid Capsules.
Any one of those items would be an improvement on the chemicals i currently use….Good luck to everyone entering!
This is very cool! I love trying new eco friendly products!
I'm anxious to try the Laundry Liquid Capsules.
toilet bowl cleaner- I'd love if it could get the hard water deposits off
I would love a good earth-friendly all purpose cleaner!
Would like to try the useful Dishwasher Tabs & Rinse Aid: Looks like it would do the job of cleaning my dishes.
I am most interested in the toilet bowl cleaner.
Rinse aid – interested to see how it works!
I would like to try the bathroom cleaner!
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Bathroom cleaner. Being a chronic asthmatic it's hard to clean a bathroom with no windows with a regular cleaner. My lungs are usually on fire.
Most interested in trying the Laundry Liquid Capsules
I am interested in the Glass & Window cleaner!!!!!
The all purpose cleaner looks great!
the rinse aid because I've never seen an eco friendly one before (except vinegar of course)
This line looks great. I'd love to try the laundry capsules. This is a perfect giveaway too because im moving into a new place in december and want to try new products suitable with my daughter
Glass and window cleaner!<br />(Tammy Dalley)
I would love to try the laundry liquid capsules.
The glass and window cleaner. just moved and all the windows are filthy
I am most excited to try the laundry capsules!<br />(Karla Sceviour)
I'm most interested in trying the All-Purpose Cleaner
All of them, but the toilet cleanser
I'd most like to try the glass and window cleaner. (Maggie)
I'm interested in trying the dishwasher tablets.
Glass and window cleaner
<br />The glass and window cleaner
All purpose Caralyn Rubli
I'd love to try the Laundry Liquid Capsules
The Glass and window cleaner
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