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Crunchy Mama – Soothing Salve


Soothing Salve

Crunchy Mama’s pride and joy. It’s wonderful for soothing the dry, itchy skin that accompanies Psoriasis and Eczema. This salve is also excellent as a spot treatment for acne!

The neem is the star of the show in this salve as it is antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and provides excellent antioxidant properties. It soothes the skin and reduces inflammation and redness.

In this salve is a blend of Neem, Lavender, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey, St. John’s Wart, and Burdock as well as essential oils of Lavender, Tea Tree, Frankincense and Myrrh provide antiseptic, antifungal and antimicrobial protection.

Key Benefits:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces bacteria
  • Provides moisture
  • Keeps the bugs away

Available in 2 fl oz. / 60 ml & 4 fl oz/ 118 ml


Testing the Salve


Eczema can be different for everyone who has it. Yet, no matter how severe your eczema is, everyone deals with the same basic symptoms – dry skin, sore rashes, and intense itch. It can be frustrating and uncomfortable trying to manage eczema and keep “flare ups” under control.

My eczema has ranges on both ends of the spectrum, where skin is dry, hot and itchy – to its most severe – when the skin becomes broken, raw, and bleeding. I’ve tried hundreds of creams, butters and pastes to help my eczema throughout the years but I’ve found very few that have helped. 

I’ve only recently started exploring natural remedies and I was VERY sceptical about this product. How wrong was I! After only two days of applying the soothing salve, I felt immense relief and you can clearly see improvement.

The salve is extremely easy to use. Simply apply a small amount to the affected area and rub into the skin. The salve although a solid  ointment in the tin, will liquify as soon as it feels the warmth of your body and turn into a soothing oil consistency. The oil completely erases any dryness and immediately relieves the itch associated with eczema. The salve doesn’t feel sticky at all, your skin will simply absorb the oil throughout the day and leave you feeling amazing as your eczema starts to heal.

Should you not see an improvement, but instead see a rash or hives it is suggested to stop use immediately.

The awesomeness doesn’t stop here, Crunchy Mama has many other amazing natural products for you to choose from. From muscle rub to lip balm, Crunchy Mama has you covered.

If you’d like to learn more about Crunchy Mama head over to their Website |Instagram

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  1. kathy downey says:

    Thanks i will be checking this out my Eczema gets so bad during the winter months

  2. Darlene Schuller says:

    wow this cream seems like it may help! I’ll have tomention this to my brother he has a real time dealing w/the eczema in winter.

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