Five years old already? Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday you were bringing home your little bundle of joy and now you’re the mother to happy, smiley five year old. But don’t be reminiscing for too long …
Business Opportunities
How does running your own successful business sound? Exciting? Rewarding? Fun? …Or a lot of effort? A lot of people stay in dead-end jobs because they see owning their own company as an impossible dream. Does this sound like you? …
Challenges in the Home and How To Recover From Them
We all come across little hurdles and speed bumps on our journey through life and how we recover from them shapes who we will become in the future. Tackling a challenge head-on can sometimes seem like quite a daunting task. …
Don’t Let Anxiety Control You: The Steps You Can Take
Anxiety can be something that can develop at any time, and it is actually extremely common. Although it doesn’t feel like it when you are the one that is struggling with it. You may never have had any issues before …
Creating A Garden From Scratch: The Two Key Questions To Ask
Pixabay (CC0 Licence) Many people move into homes that already have a garden in situ, which they can then tend and change to meet their specific requirements as they see fit. However, this scenario is not guaranteed: for example, if …
5 Ways To Insulate Your Home
Image Source. Licensed under Creative Commons. Insulating your home can help to keep it warmer longer. In the cold months, this can stop you from having to turn on the heating as often, saving you money on your energy bills. …
3 Things Worth Doing In Your Home This Week
Sometimes we can find ourselves looking at the same four walls day in day out and struggling to find the motivation to get things done around the house. We might be able to stay on top of the daily chores, …
Property Maintenance Jobs You Shouldn’t Tackle Yourself
Now, let’s not make any mistake: it can be deeply satisfying to tackle a home DIY job yourself. There’s pride to be experienced in the knowledge that you can complete tasks without having to call out a professional, and then …
Create A Wildlife-Friendly Garden
While Canada monitors most of the wildlife species carefully, we can’t help but notice that our efforts have not always been met with the success we expected. Half of our wildlife species have registered worrying declines in their population as …
Appliance Canada – Your one stop shop for all your major appliance needs
Major appliances are one of the most indispensable things in every home. We rely on our appliances to work perfectly and efficiently to make our lives a little easier, but sometimes, these appliances break down over time and sometimes we …