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6 Tips For Protecting Your Home From the Elements  

During cold snaps or seasonal shifts, your home is much more vulnerable. Minor issues can quickly turn into major problems if left unaddressed, so it’s vital that you take some time to prepare your home from both the expected and unexpected weather changes in your region. If you fail to prep your home, then you could face home damages and repairs that leave you seriously out of pocket. Keeping your home safe is vital, and whether it’s preparing for the winter or anticipating issues when the colder months come closer, here are some of the best ways that you can keep your property and lifestyle more protected from the elements.

1. Gutter Clearouts

It’s important that your guttering is always kept as clean as possible. This is a lot more challenging over the Fall period or when winter snow starts to build. Always make sure that your guttering is not being blocked by leaves or any other kind of debris. It can be a dirty job, so make sure you wear gloves!

2. Sump Pump Maintenance

Your sump pump should be getting a maintenance check at least once a year and more often if you live in an area where floods are common. Sump pumps can end up doing a lot of work, and if they break down, then your home is far more exposed to risk. Use professional plumbing services like those offered by 1st Rooter to ensure that your sump is working at maximum efficiency. To make things easier for you, try typing something like “handyman near me” on Google. You won’t believe the number of high-quality results you’ll get. All of them are just one call away and ready to help you with whatever problem you have.

3. Pipe Insulation

Sometimes called ‘pipe lagging,’ it’s always a good idea to give your internal and external pipework some extra protection when the weather takes a cold turn. Use waterproof insulation materials, and your pipes will be far less likely to freeze or burst over the coldest times of the year.

4. Tile Checks

The wind is an often under-considered aspect of home protection, but a strong wind can cause a lot of damage to a property. Do a manual check of your roof for any loose tiles or any tiles that have cracks in them. A broken tile may allow a leak to start forming, and a loose tile can be very dangerous, especially in high winds.

5. Clean your Chimney

It’s not something that you pay much attention to over the summer, but as the temperatures start to drop, it’s a good idea to give your chimney a thorough sweeping. The last thing that you want is to light your first fire of the year only to find that damage has been caused or that a bird’s nest blocks the chimney.

6. Grass Cutting

Over the winter, you want to make sure that your grass is going to be unharmed. Don’t squeeze in a last-minute mow at the end of the summer. Instead, let it grow a little longer so that it is better able to protect itself during snowfall or heavy rain. Aim to have your grass height to be around four inches high. This will make it much more likely that when spring rolls around, your grass will bounce back without any issues.

Keeping your home more protected against the elements doesn’t have to be expensive or overly time-consuming. Simply take your time and do a check on every room and every inch of the exterior. The more that you prepare for the worst of the elements, the more likely that your home (and you) will remain safe.

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  1. […] of us live in areas where the weather can be unpredictable. If adverse weather is forecast, you don’t want to be worrying about the harm it could cause to your home. In some […]

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