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Are you a Netflix Cheater? #StreamTeam

I confess – I am a Netflix Cheater!  Come’on, don’t be so shocked, I know you have Netflix cheated too!

 Your partner is in dreamland, and you can’t sleep, you sneak away to the living room, turn on Netflix and start watching that one show you promised your partner you would wait to watch.  5 episodes later and you realize you messed up! 


 I have Netflix cheated multiple times, in fact, I’m not the only one! 



Sometimes the shows are so good, I just can’t stop watching!  Most recently, I have watched the entire series of Stranger Things while my husband was out. I didn’ feel bad about it one bit – okay, maybe a little.  He wasn’t really that upset, I ended up watching it again with him. 


I get upset once in awhile when my husband binges on a show without me. I end up missing out on a few episodes, get lost in the plot and then start asking 101 questions. 

“Why is he so mean now?” 

“Who is that?”

“Wait, when did they get together?” 




Which Netflix show do you binge on behind your partners back? 


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  1. Mandy B says:

    I am a Netflix cheater I can’t wait lol

    1. At least you admit it! LOL

  2. Karen Evans says:

    I am sort of NetFlix cheater, as Buffy (my dog) will give me the “look” which means: It’s 2 am when are we going to bed. And with me, binge watching 2 shows, I say to Buffy, in a minute… of course minute turns into an hour etc. My daughter bought me a NetFlix GC for Christmas, so I have been watching all the show (Stranger Things and Breaking Bad.. were the first 2) very late at night as I suffer from insomnia. Now I am binge watching Better Call Saul and The 100. My only complaint really, is I have to watch them on my computer, but at least I won’t doze off 😉

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