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4 Appointments Women Need to Make Every Year

The list of health professionals you’re supposed to see in your life tends to grow as you age, but how often should you see each one? Knowing which appointments you can skip and which ones are crucial will help simplify your list of annual checkups.

Here’s a breakdown of 4 of the most common health professionals most women need to see in any given year.


You should be seeing your GYNO on a yearly basis, regardless of sexual activity. Your physician will perform a pap smear, pelvic exam and breast exam during your annual visit. These exams are a preventative measure that will check for signs of infection, growths, abnormalities and cancer screening. A yearly mammogram is also recommended for women starting at age 45 and women at high risk or family history of breast cancer.


It’s recommended to see a dentist every six months. Everyone should see a dentist at least twice a year for cleanings and check-ups. At the most, you should see them once a year. A professional orthodontic lab makes sure your dental equipment is made properly, however, if you have braces, clear teeth aligners or have other dental needs, visiting your dentist twice a year is a good idea.

Primary care provider

Doctors are often the first people you visit as soon as something goes wrong. Coughs, runny noses, back pains and the flu shot — your doctor can both treat these ailments or refer you to a specialist who can help. Annual check-ups are recommended once a year. If you’re not sick, once a year for annual check-ups and flu shots.


Children under 19 should see an optometrist once a year. Adults, especially if they wear glasses or contacts, should see an optometrist once every two to three years to keep their prescriptions updated.


At the end of the day, these appointments aren’t meant to be another annoying obligation to add to your already busy calendar. They’re also not meant to be scary. Instead, these visits are aimed at preventing the development of diseases and other problems that could turn into bigger deals down the line. Self-care is extremely important, and part of self-care is to make sure you make time to schedule these appointments. 

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